Face to Face Training



Asthma Training

NEAT Asthma course - available in Auckland, Rotorua and Wellington. 


Evaluation Planning

Easy evaluation workshops and training support


Family Planning

Introduction to Contraception (extra date added in Auckland during September school holiday break)

Sexually Transmissible Infections (extra date added in Auckland during September school holiday break)

Other Family Planning Training Courses 2019:

Central and Southern Regions

Northern and Midland Regions


School Nursing: 

A seat at the table: School Nursing Conference - 4th and 5th of October, 2021


Sure Skills: 

SureSkills Training Workshops


Youth Health

Involve 2021


The University of Auckland

University of Auckland Youth Health Postgraduate Training

Understanding Anxiety in Children and Young People -Thurs 2nd September 

Building resilience and mental wellbeing for teachers and students - Fri 10th September 


We are frequently uploading content, so if you have a resource not yet here and are happy to share it with the network, please send it to us at nzschoolnurses@gmail.com. And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter on our home page so we can update you when new content is loaded.