Ka Mua, Ka Muri

'We look backward as we step into the future'

Thank you to those who have paved the way ahead.  

About us

We are a group of Youth Health Professionals who are passionate about improving the health and wellbeing of young people in New Zealand. We all work in School Health and have personal experience of the challenges and realities of providing Health Care in Schools. We are committed to improving the standards of care in School Health. (See the blog for info on how this site came about).

We provide up to date resources, training and contact information for School Nurses via this website to support the health and well-being of Young People in New Zealand Secondary Schools. The content available on this site is a combination of existing resources and newly generated documents by our team. We thank those who have generously and freely shared their resources with our network.

Our aims

This site aims to:

  • Provide a central port of information and resources for School Nurses and other Professionals working with Young People
  • Offer online templates of resources which can be adapted to suit individual settings
  • Connect School Nurses working in isolation with local youth health services and other health professionals. 



While every effort has been made to ensure that the content on this site meets the standards of best practice, which is appropriate in schools, youth focused, culturally appropriate, and clinically relevant, we take no responsibility for the actions or inactions taken by an individual as a result of providing this content.