Resources for Schools
These resources are for anyone working in schools who want to support student Well-being. This might include the wider pastoral care team members, health teachers, RTLB or SENCO's, Senior Management, Principals, Boards of Trustees, and Health and Safety committees.
ACC Sport Concussion Guidelines
Anti-Bullying Framework: Undercover teams
AoD Education Programmes - Guide for schools; Ministry of Education 2014
Bullying-free NZ School Framework
Bullying Prevention and Response: A Guide for schools
Calmer Classrooms; A guide to working with Traumatised Children
Connecting through Kōrero: Talking about suicide with Young People
Diabetes information for Schools
E-Safety Education: A guide to dealing with the sharing of explicit material at your school
Equipping young people with life skills
ERO - Schools with good well-being practices
Family Planning International Students Sexuality Education Toolkit
Family Planning Resources for Secondary Schools
Family Planning Report on Young People and Sexuality Education
Framing Human Sexuality: A guide for catholic communities in Aoteroa, New Zealand.
FGM Systems in Schools (Flash Glucose Monitoring Systems for students with type 1 diabetes).
Generation Next: YouTube channel to support Youth Mental Health
Health Promotion Agency Resource Store
Health Promotion Agency (HPA) School Resources
Heart Foundation Information for Schools
Inclusive Education; Guide to Supporting LGBTIQA+ Students
Inclusive Practice in Secondary Schools
LeVa Preventing Suicide for Pacifika Pocketguide
Loves me not programme (preventing abusive behaviour in relationships)
Mental health education and hauora: Teaching interpersonal skills, resilience, and wellbeing
Ministry of Education: Caring for students with chronic health conditions (ECE)
Ministry of Education: Guide to Traumatic Brain Injuries and Learning
Ministry of Education: Well-being in schools
Ministry of Youth Affairs: Youth Development Strategy Aotearoa
Nest Consulting resources for Sexuality Education (Featuring the Cup of Tea Consent Video)
Oranga Tamariki Information Sharing Guidance Document (Great for multidisciplinary working guidance)
Rainbow Youth: Starting and Strengthening Rainbow Diversity Groups
Settlement Outcomes of Migrant Youth: A bibliography of New Zealand and International Literature
Sexual Education in the wider School - Ministry of Education
Starship Child Health Diabetes in Schools Video for School staff
Starship Child Health Information about diabetes and exams
Stymie: Promoting Student Wellbeing
Suicide Prevention fact sheet and risk assessment for Schools
Supporting Learners with Acquired Brain Injury - TKI
The Light Project - Information for School communities on Porn
TKI Supporting Students with Acquired Brain Injury
Understanding the Privacy Act - Education Gazette
Whanau Pack - A resource for Families and Parents with teenagers (Produced by Northland DHB)
We are frequently uploading content, so if you have a resource not yet here and are happy to share it with the network, please send it to us at And don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter on our home page so we can update you when new content is loaded.