Resources for Clinics
These resources are appropriate for the multidisciplinary team members of the SBHS clinic; Nurses, Doctors, Psychologists, Physio's etc.
Addressing weight issues in young people and families in New Zealand
Bridging the gap: Young People and Substance Abuse
Child and Adolescent Asthma Guidelines
Clinic Policy Template: Controlled Drug Policy (With thanks to Auckland Youth Health Alliance for sharing this resource)
Diabetes Action Plan 2019 - Insulin Pump Therapy
Diabetes Action Plan 2019 - Multiple Daily Injections
Diabetes Action Plan 2019 - Twice Daily Injections
Diabetes Management Care Plans - Starship
GAD 7 Screening tool for Anxiety
He Maramatanga Huango: Asthma Health Literacy for Maori Children in NZ
HeadSpace for Health Professionals working with Young People
Heart Foundation Sore Throat Algorithm
HPA 100% Water posters (for promoting water as the best choice in schools)
How to choose a health app- a guide for clinicians
Identification and management of depression in Primary Care (MoH)
Infection Control Manual - (with thanks to ASNG for sharing this resource)
Information on calling an ambulance
Information on Interpreting Services
Meningococcal Disease Information for Health Professionals
Mental Health Resources from the NZ Mental Health Foundation
Ministry of Health BMI Calculator
Ministry of Health/HPA Health Ed Free Health Resources
NZ Drug and Alcohol Foundation: Resources about healthy approaches to alcohol and other drugs
NZ Drug and Alcohol Foundation: Resources you can order to give to young people
NZSHS STI Management Guidelines for use in primary care 2017
NZSN Keys to Confidentiality in Schools Poster
Poster for ladies bathrooms -How to take a self swab for Chlamydia
Promoting Healthy Lifestyles for Pacific Peoples
SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire)
Successful School Health Services for Adolescents
Talking Trouble communication postcards
The Light Project- Information for Health Professionals about Pornograpahy
World Health Organisation - Adolescent Job Aid
World Health Organisation - BMI Chart for Females aged 5-19
World Health Organisation - BMI Chart for Males aged 5-19
World Health Organisation - HearWHO app
World Health Organisation - Height Chart for Females aged 5-19
World Health Organisation - Height Chart for Males aged 5-19
We are frequently uploading content, so if you have a resource not yet here and are happy to share it with the network, please send it to us at And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter on our home page so we can update you when new content is loaded.