Youth 2000 series: Youth '19 Data Launch
- 10 August 2020
The Youth 2000 team are delighted to launch the Youth19 health and well-being survey findings in Auckland, Whangārei, Waikato and online as below. The Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) is the latest in the Youth2000 health and wellbeing survey series carried out by the Adolescent Health Research Group. Youth19 was conducted in 2019 in the Auckland, Northland & Waikato regions by researchers from The University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, University of Otago & Auckland University of Technology. We will be sharing our initial findings and national estimates highlighting how Aotearoa/New Zealand secondary school students are doing at home, at school, in communities, and in areas such as mental heath and wellbeing. The Youth2000 series now includes over 36000 adolescents from 2001, 2007, 2012 and 2019. Because the survey is large we are able to consider students in different ethnic and geographic communities. On August 13 we will be launching initial findings and discussing the implications for supporting young people.
Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey: Launch of Initial Findings
Webinar: August 13th 2020, 1-2 pm
- Auckland: August 13th 2020, 4pm
4 pm presentation; 5pm refreshments and discussion
University of Auckland, Faculty of Education and Social Work, 74 Epsom Ave, Auckland,
- Northland: August 20th 2020
Mahitahi hauora, 28–30 Rust Ave, Whangarei
- Waikato: Sept 10 2020
TeRauOra, 233 Anglesea St, Kirikiriroa (Hamilton Central)
- Christchurch, Friday Aug 21 2020, 12.30–1.30pm
TSB Space, Turanga Library, 60 Cathedral Square
BYO lunch. A gold coin koha on the day would be appreciated to help cover seminar costs.
Register here.
- Wellington, Thursday Sept 3, 3–5pm
AM101, access via Kelburn Pde, Kelburn Campus, Victoria University of Wellington
3–3.50pm: Overview of key findings and Q&A – aimed at a general audience
10 minute break
4–4.50pm: Accessing Youth19 data – opportunities for researchers
Come along to one or both sessions. Registration details to come.
- Counties Manukau, Thursday Sept 24, 12–1pm
Room 107, Ko Awatea Centre, Counties Manukau District Health Board, Middlemore Hospital, Hospital Road, Otahuhu, Auckland
45-minute presentation followed by kōrero & a cuppa.
Register here.
For further info on the Youth 2000 series, click here.