School and Youth Health Symposium- 28th September, 2020
- 29 September 2020
It was a privilege to attend the School Nurse and Youth Health Nurse Symposium at Rototuna High School. Here's a few pics of the highlights from the day!
It was AWESOME to be formally welcomed onto the school site with a Mihi Whakatau by Rangitahi- they were incredible!
The Venue was excellent. Lots of space for networking and learning!
And as you can see above, it was a really well attended event! Lots of people who werent able to make it in person also zoomed in which was great to further connect and break down the isolated silos.
There were some excellent tips and info on self care, and managing in the face of increasing mental health presentations and Covid- related anxiety.
And Nathan Bramwell had some great tips on inclusive practice with students who identify as sexually diverse.
Christine Cammell from our NZSN team ran a session entitled 'Our workforce- a birds eye view' where she shared some of the results from our School Nurse Workforce and Employment Survey, and opened an interactive discussion on what attendees are seeing and are challenged with right now. Here is the themed breakdown of comments received (via Slido).
This document has been shared with the Ministry of Health to aid planning and advocate for the amazing work you all do, despite the daily challenges. It can also be referenced should you want to use it (APA7):
Cammell, C. (2020). School and Youth Health Symposium - 28th September, 2020. New Zealand School Nurses.
A huge congratulations to the symposium team of organizers who pulled off a hugely successful day.