NZSN Salary Scale May 2024

  • 12 May 2024

Happy International Nurses Day!! 


The focus of NZSN in 2024 is 'Supporting the front line'. This fits in so well with the theme for International Nurses Day, 2024 which is 'Our Nurses, Our Future'. Investing in the front line workforce ensures that we are creating and maintaining a sustainable workforce to meet the health and wellbeing needs of young people in schools. We recognise that if we don't support the workforce, there will be no future. We are committed to our goal of supporting the front line with three overarching goals: 

1. Championing school nurses pay equity - irrespective of what pay model you fall under; we believe every school nurse deserves to be paid well for the work they do.

2. Providing opportunities for school nurses to connect - both with each other, and with professional support.

3. Prioritising wellbeing of School Nurses - we know that investing in you and supporting you to prioritise your own wellbeing first is essential, to enable school health teams to support young people to the best of our abilities.


SO, it is with GREAT pleasure and excitement that on International Nurses Day, 2024, we release the long awaited first draft of the NZSN Salary Scale (May 2024). I want to take a moment to thank every member of the Pay Equity Working Group who have given up countless hours of their own time and resource, to champion and support this mahi. I'm so grateful to you all. Your enthusiasm, and determination to see nurses paid fairly is inspirational, and your hard work is reflected in this document. 


To all our nurses out there, we ask that you read the School Nurses Salary Scale and the associated guide. Please let us know your thoughts via the comments below on this blog post, OR, email them through to us. Even if you read it and have no comments to make, please leave us a brief 'read and agreed' comment so we can track how widely this document is shared. 

Click here to view the Guide to the Salary Scale. 

Click here to view the first complete draft of the proposed School Nurses Salary Scale.


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  • Lydia
  • 13 May 2024
  • 7:24 pm

Read and agreed

  • tracy stewart
  • 14 May 2024
  • 10:42 am

read and agreed

  • andrea probert-southam
  • 15 May 2024
  • 10:22 am

sentence 3 under heading- Refund of annual practising certificate , should say employee? great work, fingers crossed. read & agree!

  • Carla Marie Dicks
  • 27 May 2024
  • 6:53 am

Read and agree

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