Child and Youth Wellbeing Hui Round Up
- 17 February 2019
The current Labour-led government conducted a series of Child and Wellbeing Hui workshops late last year, inviting staff working in the health sector to have their say in the future 'Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy'. Attendees were required to request to attend, and complete the pre-reading below:
Some of our team attended the Hui held at Ko Awatea, on Friday 30th of November, 2018. The day was facilitated by members of the Ministry of Health and DPMC (Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet). Notably absent were any representatives from the Ministry of Youth. The day comprised of multiple sessions where input was sought. The photos below give you an idea of some of the more content and interactive sessions:
There was a quick round up of current Government Reviews underway involving health....
After an official opening and karakia, the day began with an interactive warm-up excercise, requiring a surprising amount of dexterity and concentration, the morning session comprised of an interactive session involving orange note cards. Participants were encouraged to write their thoughts down on card about the current challenges faced in the sector. Facilitators began aligning these all around the room, in a large rectangle, and as more and more challenges were identified, multiple rows began to grow...
Hayden McRobbie had the challenging job of capturing the key statements that the attendees strongly agreed with on a whiteboard!
A session in the afternoon comprised of a similar excercise with green cards, highlighting what we know 'works' and what needs to be included in the Child and Youth Strategy to ensure every child and young person can achieve 'Wellbeing'. We strongly advocated that this government fulfill their election promise of School Based Health Services in every secondary school in NZ.
The afternoon was rounded off by a presentation from former Chief Science Advisor, John Potter, entitled "A life course approach to child & youth Wellbeing', which included the above slide featuring the Heckman Curve. This has been disproved and found to have no evidence in reality, and you can read more about this here. So somewhat disheartening that this is the information on which government funding decisions are made. While we (NZSN) recognise the significance of investment in early years, we also advocate for Youth Appropriate services accessible both in cost and location as a sound investment and worthwhile goal providing a range of benefits; a reduction in poor mental health outcomes, reduced suicide attempts, improved protective factors for at risk youth, and early identification and treatment of disease to name a few.
Following on from the completion of ten Hui's across Aotearoa, The Ministry released this document, summarising the content of the collective voices heard:
We would encourage you to read this latest document and be vocal in talking to your MP about the need for School Based Health Services in every school, not just from decile 1-4.